Coffee Quarantine.
Wake up and throw away the coffee. It makes you sick. Did we ever need coffee when we used to gambol in the backalleys during the summer holidays and come back home covered in an inch of muck? Did we ever need that shot of caffeine when we used to partake in those "School Sports Day"? We used to wake up an hour earlier than the usual, brimming with exuberance and anticipation. Going to school in the white uniform was never more appealing.
We never needed coffee when we used to wake up to listen to the punctuated chanting of the Mahalaya on the radio at wee hours of the morning. Or stay up late on New Year's Eve, and witness the fireworks with a gaping awe.
And then came the coffee.
We drank its blood and it devoured our soul in a swig.
How come for all this while we never dozed off in the middle of a hide-n-seek game or felt remotely slumberous during the shimmering fireworks? .....we don't learn to react to a stimuli till we're introduced to it. Addiction to dependency, wealth to craving. And then we fabricate our mighty fort around it. We have bartered our juvenile hullabaloo to caffeine with a life of sluggishness and hackneys.
Its time I throw away that porcelain and get some lungs.
No more coffee for me. Goodbye and goodnight.
Hmmm.. good one..
For me nothing could reach addiction stage, though I do like coffee some times.
this pj fello is yaaping left and right..he's hooked on blogging
he he...right said fred!
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